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NIKOLA Marković


''Un Petit Pinocchio'' 1998
  Homage to the Loving Memory of Childhood


  metal, wood (65 cm x 42 cm x 6 cm) 

  © N.Markovic,1998 - 2018


Born in Kotor1972, Lives in Berlin and Podgorica



From 1990 to 2018, he realized 28 solo exhibitions at home as well as abroad. With his drawings in the field of neonatology and fetopathy, he created an entire unique art opus dedicated to these themes of medicine until the end of 1998 year. Six monographic publications about his work have been published by the universities and faculties where he was engaged as  assistant professor and expert associate in lecturing. He has won several international awards and recognitions in the fields of design, architecture and contemporary art. He is currently working on his doctorate thesis at the University of Angewandte Kunst in Vienna.






1. Nikola Marković, Bebe’s/drawings (The first Montenegrin monograph on drawing), Podgorica, Publisher: Ministry of Culture and Education. pp.238.(1997)
2. Nikola Marković, Artist Monograph Catalogs, The Glass Intuition, Podgorica. Publisher: Mediterranean University, pp. 276.(2008) ISBN: 9789940514068  BIB ID 1682711000176503
3. Nikola Marković, The field of artistic practice drawing application for the analysis of the symbols of childhood in the visual arts, collection of Theoretical and conceptual experiments - Faculty of Fine Arts / University of Montenegro.pp.160. (2008)
4.  Nikola Marković, The importance of arhitectural applications of artistic practice in the development of the cultural identity of urban space / in the works of Santiago Calatrava’’ (M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade) pp.128.
5. Nikola Marković,  Unlocking memories of childhood, art monograph, Podgorica. Publisher: UDG and Municipality H.Novi, MNE pp. 136. (2016) ISBN: 978-9940-676-06-3
6. Nikola Marković, Language Innovations of Contemporary Architecture: From Artistic Practice and Kineticism to Kinetic Archisculpture  University of Belgrade, Architectural Faculty, pp. 262. (2016.) UDK:72.01:7.01(043.3)


Published papers / a shortlist of 15 examples


1.    Nikola Marković, Serbian Architectural Journal - SAJ/ Journal with SCI 21 (Science Citation Index),  Language lnnovations of Contemporary Architecture: From Kineticism to Kinetic Archisculpture, Vol.8, 2016, No. 2, pp. 217 – 238.  ISBN:1821-3952
2.    Nikola Markovic, Serbian Architectural Journal - SAJ/ Journal with SCI 21 (Science Citation Index) ICA 2019, Aesthetics of a reimaging urban voids and freespaces of montenegro , Vol., 2019, No. 8 pp. 117 – 128.  ISBN:1821-3952
3.    Nikola Marković,  Upcycling i recycling design, tendencies of development and new aesthetic phenomena, Text are published for profesional Journal of Montenegrian Engineers Chamber / ECM, ‘’VIEW’’Vol.9, No. 25. pp. 56-61 (2018) ISSN: 2336-9175 (Published edition) ISSN 2336-9183 (Online) 
4.    Nikola Marković, From Kineticism to Kinetic Archisculpture, Text are published for profesional Journal of Montenegrian Engineers Chamber / ECM, ‘’VIEW’’Vol.7, No. 21. pp. 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2336-9183 (Online)
5.    Nikola Marković, ANALYSIS: Language lnnovations of Contemporary Architecture Vol.9 ,april 2017.  No. 20.  pp. 90-96 (2017) ‘’VIEW’’, profesional Journal published by Engineers Chamber of Montenegro /ECM, ISBN: 2336-9175
6.    Nikola Marković, presentation of  Markovic author’s project, text on English, Porto Scadar Lake / Exclusive, published for magazine of culture and tourism ‘’Renown / Renome’’ No. 8.  Vol.5. Feb. (2013) pp. 89- 94.  ISSN: 1800-8054
7.    Nikola Marković, Archetypal advantage, Introductory text/ foreword (pp.1-4), for the artistic monographic publication / Dedicated to the art work of well known Austrian artist Aleksandra Erakovic, Vol. IV . In the same publication, text about the Artist and her Artwork, pp.64-74,  ISBN: 978-86-92128-70-7
8.    Nikola Marković, text about his author’s unique interior design project  PSL / Porto Scadar Lake, published  in a Journal for Architectural and Interior design,  ENTEXT vol.8  pp. 33-37  No. 13 January (2015), ISSN:1800 – 9611
9.    Nikola Markovic, Prisoner on a whim, Art critic text on English, published for magazine of culture and tourism ‘’Renown / Renome’’No. 6 Vol.3.(2012) pp. 84-89.  ISSN: 1800-8054
10.    Nikola Marković, Fun in the parallel dimension, about the Markovic author’s project Top Hill, MNE discoteque, text published for magazine Caffe Montenegro / SPACE’’ No. 72, (2010) pp.80-87,  ISSN: 1800-5748
11.    Nikola Marković, Futurism and Pop Art / Exibition unveiled, text edited by the magazine -‘’The Luxory Collection Montenegro’’ (Autmn &Winter 2013-14) Vol. 8 (2013)  pp. 67-71, ISSN:1800 – 9077



Poster presentations / a shortlist of 10 examples


1.Nikola Markovic, ‘’Interdisciplinarity & Urban Artifact''  Nikšić 7-11 oktobar (2013) International architectural Symposium organized  by Architectural Faculty, Podgorica UCG with Ministry of Sustainble Development, World Bank and LAMP project./ Partisipant and lecturer with the presentation titled Art practice and Urban Voids (2013)

2. Nikola Markovic, Partisipant and winner of Special prize on the 41th International Building Trade Fair in Belgrade EXPO - SEEBBE / for best designed hotel rooms (ZH-015) made by company Interior Jankovic from Novi Sad, Introductory lecturer for Presentation of a round table Let build the future together dedicated to the theme’’Unique design’’  (2015)
3. Nikola Marković, Belgrade Design Week, specially invited (by selector Maja Vidaković) as a presenter and a special guest of the Ghost project in the field of industrial design (2009)
4. International Book Fair, Podgorica, Montenegro, presentation of project dedicated on the development of creative industry,  Organized by British Council. N. Marković, Partisipant and lecturer with the presentation titled ‘’Art and Design’’ (2011)

5. Nikola Marković, partisipant, lecturer and author of a Poster for the Cetinje Biennial and the International round table entitled "To See in the Dark" dedicated to the project Cetinje Biennal of Contemporary Art. Curated by Mladen Lompar (1994) 
6. Nikola Marković, participient and winner of a special audience award on II International Art Festival Maiden Tower  (cooperation with ‘’MIM’’ Museum of modern Art & Art festival / Maiden Tower), Baku, June-July 2011 Azerbaijan (2011)
7. Yuko Ishicawa (Japan), Aleksandra Erakovic (Austria), Nikola Marković (MNE), Gallery ‘’POOL 7’’on Rudolfsplatz 9, Wien / are presented with their exibitions as a part of the International Art project ESSENTIA by Kurt Neuhold ( May-June 2017.g) Project was presented to the expert public by well known dr Marion Elias (Head of the doctoral Studies department for two the most prestigious universites in the German speaking field,  Angewandte Kunst-Wien i Weimar-Germany)
8. The Second Regional Conference DANUBIUS DESIGN ("Innovation and Tradition"), Belgrade, Serbia, Paper: Nikola Markovic as participiant of the conference, held a lecture "Personal unique design philosophy: uniquely personal as a new philosophy of design, (2005)
9. International art project in 2013, The Italian Futurism and pop art movement, organized jointly by the Art Association ‘MICRO’ from Rome, Diomedeo Art International from Podgorica and the National Museum of Montenegro from Cetinje (2013) At the invitation of the main curator (Mr F. Carbone) of this exibition, N. Markovic exposes the drawings dedicated to the neonatology in contemporary art.
10. Nikola Markovic, has presented his international art project ‘’The Baby Colossus ‘94’’ (in selection of five montenegrin artists) invited by Art comesar Jacques Raynaud, International exibition Exposition 14-18 Hommage d’Artistes, MONTAUBAN, FRANCE / ONAC (2014)






Photo credit: Author

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