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MARIA Serebriakova

4 Aluminum plates
Dimensions variabel
4x Diameter 100 cm

1965 Moscow / Lives in Berlin

„...It is better then to see the paintings as landscapes of the mind, projections and open territories of imaginary inscription. That Serebriakova reflects upon this is  beyond doubt, since she stated earlier “ Art is a sort of ritual that incessantly defines emptiness. With art, we can try to express that which cannot be expressed in words”. 
Hence Serebriakova’s use of materials and a subdued grey palette become an explicit extension of that which both heightens and exposes that emptiness.The paintings create a subject while a sense of their aesthetic emptiness is retained...“ 
(Mark Gisbourne, “At the borderlands of memory and desire”, 2008)







Solo shows:​
2019 - Himmelfahrt  /with Rudi Molacek/, Wegekirche Landow, Germany

2016-2017 - East of Eden-Sequel, Regina Gallery, Moscow, Russia

2016 - Serebriakova, Molacek. Kultur Stiftung Orangerie, Rügen, Germany

2015 - Colour meets Black & White  /with Rudi Molacek/, Eugen Lendl Gallery, Graz, Austria

2014 - East of Eden. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia

2010 - Suspicious Garden. Regina Gallery. London, UK

2008 - Day Night Day. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia

2005-2006 - White sea. Giorgio Persano Gallery. Torino, Italy

2004 - Maria Serebriakova. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

2002 - Maria Serebriakova. Kunstburo. Vienna, Austria

            Maria Serebriakova. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia

2001 - Hotel Moscow. Project in Moscow. Moscow, Russia

            When the winter gets too long. Art & Idea. New York, USA

            TV-painting. Kunsthalle Lophem. Buero 2002. Bruges, Belgium

            Maria Serebriakova. Art Athina 2001. Galleria Giorgio Persano.                                  Athens, Greece

2000 - Mexico for two.  Project in 2 parts. Art & Idea. Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico

1999 - Maria Serebriakova. Giorgio Persano Gallery. Torino, Italy

            Maria Serebriakova. Hotel San Francisco. Cuidad of Mexico, Mexico

1998 - NBK - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Berlin, Germany

1997 - Maria Serebriakova. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

            Drawings. XL Gallery. Moscow, Russia

1996 - Maria Serebriakova. Kunsthalle Lophem. Bruges, Belgium

1995 - Maria Serebriakova. La Base. Centre d'Art Contemporain. Levallois, France

            Ultima Thule. Amsterdam, Netherlands

1994  - Le Creux de l'Enfer. Centre d'Art Contemporain. Thiers, France

1992-1993 - Maria Serebriakova. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

1992 - Maria Serebriakova. Galeria Giorgio Persano. Torino, Italy

            Künstlerhaus Bethanien. Berlin, Germany

1991 - Optika Vzgliada – Ida Applebroog & Maria Serebriakova. Avtozavodskaja Exhibition Hall. Moscow, Russia

          - The Way Things Stand. Schola Gallery. Moscow, Russia

1990  - Malerei und Objekte. Inter Art Gallery. West Berlin, Germany

Group Shows (selection):


2018  # We Doo, Galerie Volker Diel, Berlin, Germany

              Imago Mundi, Saline Degli Incanti, Triest, Italy

2017  Big Paper, Circus 11, Putbus/Rügen, Germany

           Error Correction, Peresvetov Pereulok Gallery, Moscow, Russia

2016  Borsh and Champagne, Museum of Modern Art / MMOMA, Moscow, Russia

           A Rose is A Rose, Desert Flower Center, Berlin, Germany

           For the sake of Friendship, VDNKH, Moscow, Russia

2015  Der Berg ruft ! , Kultur Stiftung Orangerie, Rügen, Germany

           Map of new art, Imago Mundi-Luciano Benetton Collection, Fondazione                     Giorgio Cini, Venice, Italy

2014  Manifesta 10. Film program 'Unlooped – Kino' with video The Painter                      (2010). St Petersburg, Russia

2013  The Team I Can’t Live Without, Regina Gallery, Moscow, Russia    

           Reconstruction, Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, Moscow, Russia

2012  Papers, Fouladi Projects, San Francisco, USA

           Contemporary still live, Gallery Reinisch, Graz, Austria

           Viena art Week 2012,Viena, Austria

2011  Rot Gelb Blau oder Grau, O Östereichischer Kunstverein, Linz, Austria

          Sammler Leidenschaft, Museum Admont, Austria

          Colectiva,Galeria Oliva Arauna, Madrid, Spain

2010 Works on paper. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

          Web-Cam, Schloss Kalsdorf , Austria

2009 Nomad. Kulturcentrum. Bruges, Belgium

          Ein netter Raum. Galerie Rauminhalt. Vienna, Austria

2007 2nd Moscow Biennale of contemporary art. Special project. Through the                  picture. Moscow House of Photography. Moscow, Russia

2006  25 years Zeno X Gallery. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

2005  1st Moscow Biennale of contemporary art. Special project. Invasion.                         Moscow House of Photography. Moscow, Russia

           Fil Rouge in Progress. Gallery&Edition Rene Steiner. Erlach, Switzerland

2003  Urban Collisions. Civillisational Conflicts in the Medium Video. NBK - Neuer             Berliner Kunstverein. Berlin, Germany

           Painting not Painting. L. Plavinskaja Gallery. Moscow, Russia

           Kunst muss hängen. Projektraum Viktor Bucher. Vienna, Austria

           Biedermeier, oder was? Galerie Hubert Winter. Vienna, Austria

           Knots -  multidimensional photography in the Eighties and in the Nineties.               Galleria Martano. Torino, Italy

2002   Art feminine 1600 – 2001. State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow, Russia

            Attachement +. Bruegge – Culture Capital of Europe 2002. Bruges, Belgium

            Regarding Landscape. Art Gallery of York University. The Koffler Centre                    Art Gallery. The Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art. Toronto, Canada

            MM, Moscow Minimalisme. Frankfurt, Germany

            Transit. Gallery Rene Steiner. Erlach, Switzerland

            Regarding Landscape 2. Liane and Danny Karan Gallery. Saidye Bronfman              Centre for Arts. Montreal, Canada

            Fil Rouge 02. Rene Steiner Gallery. Erlach, Switzerland

2001   Works on paper. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

            Caravan. Art Moscow project. Central House of Artists. Moscow, Russia

            Contemporary Art from Russia. Castel Grafenegg. Vienna, Austria

            Works on paper. A.von Scholz Galerie. Berlin, Germany

            An empty place to stay. Poetry sommer Watou. Watou, Belgium

            Aspects of the collection III. Museet For Samtidskunst / The National                        Museum of Contemporary Art. Oslo, Norway

            Hunger nach bildern? Kunsthalle Palazzo. Liestal, Switzerland

2000   Mexico for two. Project in 2 parts. Art & Idea.  Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico

            Face to Face. Cabinet Overholland. Stedelijk Museum. Amsterdam,                            Netherlands 

            Undici. Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea. Palazzo Fichera. Catania, Italy

            CLAVA.  Central House of Artists. Moscow, Russia

            Remy Zaugg: Portrait d'un ami. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne.

            Lausanne, Switzerland

1999   Let and Go. CCAC. San Francisco, USA

           Armory Show. Zeno X Gallery. New York, USA

           Group Show. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

           Les Champs de la Sculpture 2000. Paris, France

           Il sentimento del 2000. Triennale – Photomedia Europe 1999. Milan, Italy

           Caravan. Video Projects. Vienna, Austria

1998  Incubation Room 2. Kunsthalle Lophem. Bruges, Belgium

           Artmesse Koeln. Zeno X Gallery. Cologne, Germany

           Photographs and Filmstyle. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

1997   Vergezichten. Museum Overholland. Teylers Museum. Haarlem, New York,              USA

            Russian Non-Conformist Art 1960-1990. Muecsarnok Kunsthalle.                              Budapest, Hungary

            Incubation Room. Kunsthalle Lophem. Bruges, Belgium

1996   Group Show. Zeno X Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium

            Serebriakova, Zakharov, Shuravlev. Gallery & Edition Rene Steiner. Erlach,              Switzerland

1995    Kunst im Verborgenen - Nonkomformisten 1975-1995. Wilhelm-Hack Museum. Ludwigshafen, Germany

             Documenta Archiv. Kassel, Germany

             Lindenau-Museum. Altenburg, Germany

             Photo-Reclamation: New Art from Moscow & Saint Petersburg. The                         Photographers Gallery. London, UK

             Photo-Reclamation: New Art from Moscow & Saint Petersburg. City Art                   Gallery. Leeds, UK

             Internationaal Zomerproject 1995. Kunsthalle Lophem. Bruges, Belgium

             Pour un couteau. Le Creux de l'Enfer. Centre d'Art Contemporain. Thiers,                 France

             Zeitgenoessische Fotokunst aus Moscow. NBK - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Berlin, Germany

VI Triennale der Kleinplastik. Stuttgart, Germany

1994  -  6 Moskauer Konseptualisten. Galerie Rigassi. Bern, Germany

Towards the Moscow Biennale. Central House of Artists. Moscow, Russia

The Art of Contemporary Photography. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Central House of Artists. Moscow, Russia

Photo-reclamation: New Art from Moscow & Saint Petersburg. John Hansard Gallery. University of South-Hampton. Southampton, UK

Street Level Gallery. Glasgow, UK

1993  - Memory of the Future. Kunsthalle Lophem. Bruges, Belgium

Art Frankfurt. Zeno X Gallery. Frankfurt am main, Germany

Rinnaco Collection. Central House of Artists. Moscow, Russia

Caisse des Dépôts. Paris, France

1992 - Biennale Balticum 92. Rauman Taidemuseo. Rauma, Finland

Documenta IX. Kassel, Germany

a Mosca...a Mosca... Villa Campolieto. Ercolano, Italy ;

Galleria Comunale d”Arte Moderna. Bologna, Italy

In Extenso / 1989-1992. Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst. Gent, Belgium

1991 -  Visit. Avtozavodskaya Exhibition Hall. Moscow, Russia

Perspective of Conceptual. PS1 Gallery. The Clocktower. New York, USA

University of Hawaii. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

A Chikcken is no bird/ Serebriakova, Rezun-Zvezdochetova, Turnova. Picaron Gallery. Amsterdam, Netherlands; MCMXCI. Moscow, Russia; Kulturzentum. Antwerpen, Belgium

Private Work. Solianka Exhibition Hall. Moscow, Russia

Unknow Europe. Krakow, Poland

1990                       Mosca Moscow Mockba '90. Sala Umberto Boccioni. Milan, Italy

PMMK - Provinciaal Museum voor Moderne Kunst. Ostende, Belgium

Towards the Object. Exhibition Hall at Kashirskaya. Moscow, Russia

Stedelijk Museum. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Catalogue. The Central Place of Youth. Moscow, Russia

Between Spring and Summer: Soviet Conceptual Art in the Era of Late Communism. Tacoma Art Museum. Seattle, USA; ICA. Boston, USA; Des Moines Art Center. Iowa, USA

The work of Art in the Age of Perestroika. Phyllis Kind Gallery. New York, USA

Art Summer. Split Artedomani. 1990 punto di vista. Ex-Ospedale San Matteo degli Infermi. Spoleto, Italy

Da Mosca. Unione Culturale Mostre. Torino, Italy

Schizokitai. Club avangardistov. Moscow, Russia

Vystavka – Zasada. Studio Tchistye Prudi. Moscow, Russia

The Missing Picture. Alternative Contemporary Photography from the USSR. MIT List Visual Art Center. Cambridge, UK

1989 - Precious Art/ Dorogoe Iskusstvo. The Central Place of Youth. Moscow, Russia

Serebriakova, Shuravlev, Kirzova. Галерея SKC. Belgrad, Serbia

Installation. Галерея Garage. Belgrad, Serbia

Moscow - New Jerusalem. One day in the landscape in New Jerusalem near

Moscow, Russia

Moscow Artists. Monumentalis Oporto Gallery. Lisbon, Portugal

Inexpensive Art / Nedorogoe Iskusstvo. Exhibition of small works. First Gallery. Moscow, Russia

Moscow - Wien - New York. Messepalast Wiener Festwochen. Vienna, Austria

1988 - Labirinth. The Central Place of Youth. Moscow, Russia

XVIII Allunion Exhibition of Young Moscow Artists. Central Exhibition Hall Manege. Moscow, Russia

1987 - Representation. Association Ermitage. Moscow, Russia

A Retrospective of Moscow Artists 1957-1897. Association Ermitage.  Moscow, Russia

Public collections:

  • Museum Overholland. Nieuwesluis, Netherlands

  • MOMA. New York, USA

  • MMOMA. Moscow, Russia

  • S.M.A.K. Gent, Belgium

  • Tacum Museum. Seatle, Boston, USA

  • The State Russian Museum - Marble Palace. Saint Petersburg, Russia

  • Museum of Contemporary Art. Oslo, Norway

  • Kunstmuseum. Biel, Switzerland

  • Rubell Family Collection. Miami, USA

  • NBK Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Berlin, Germany

  • Moscow House of Photography. Moscow, Russia

  • Deutsche Bank Collection. London, UK

  • UCLA Hammer Museum. Los Angeles, California, USA


Photo credits for both photos: Rudi Molacek

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