1960 Haifa / Israel, lives and works since 1988 in Berlin
Dodi Reifenberg’s images are made of overlaid plastic bag snippets that generate a relief-like depth that is atypical for flat imagery. He developed a technique that perfectly appropriates the polyethylene material he uses. Color and tone are not personal inventions; it rather emerges from parallel processes of collecting, recycling and composing fragments of commercial plastic bags. All visual elements of these pictures already existed as disposals of a global marketing industry until they got visually re-coded into metaphorical information about us and our time.
That makes Reifenberg’s “snip images” not only different from classical paintings, but also from the technique of the collage. While the technique of a collage shapes a new eclectic whole through the assemblage of individual elements, Reifenberg chooses and forms each colored plastic snippet according to a photographic or intellectual image. The result is a new medium—literally—a plastic image with proper aesthetic qualities. (Timo Kaabi-Linke)
2020 Untitleds, Überleben im Müll, Willi Brandt Haus, Berlin g
2020 Displaced, Great Synagogue of Rome, g/k
2020 Family Business, Centrum Judaicum, Berlin, g/k
2019 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!,Erfurt, g/k
2018 Garbage Matters, Lachenmann, Frankfurt
2018 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Bonn, g/k
2017 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Parque Cultural de Valparaiso, Chile, g/k
2017 We All Love Art, Schlachthaus, Berlin, g
2016 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Mecklenburg-West, g/k
2016 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Rauchmuseum, Freudenberg/Main g/k
2016 Remains to be seen, One one for tor, Berlin
2015 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Museo Metropolitano,Lima, Peru g/k
2015 Untitleds, Pavok, Berlin
2014 Untitled, Musrara, Jerusalem, g
2014 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Stiftung Zollverein, Essen g/k
2014 Natura Naturata, WiE gallery, Berlin, g
2014 Conjunction, Greenhous, Berlin, g
2013 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Capilla del Arte UDLAP, Puebla, Mexico,g/k
2013 Untitled Fruits, Marc Schmidt, Berlin
2013 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Marta Traba, Sao Paulo, g/k
2013 Green Bag – Pool, MUDAC, Lausanne, g
2012 Memory of Present, coup de des, Berlin, g
2012 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Iberia Center, Peking, g/k
2012 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Addis Abeba, Athiopien, g/k
2012 Green Bag – Pool, Oh Plastic Bag, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, g
2012 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Mumbai, Indien, g/k
2011 Cavemanread, project eXodus, Kulturzentrum, Krefeld, g
2011 Green City, gallery Christian Hosp, g
2011 Art Dubai, gallery Christian Hosp, g
2011 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Virginia Haus, Hamburg, g/k
2011 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Schwankhalle, Bremen, g/k
2011 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Neuer Kunstverein Pfaffenhofen, g/k
2011 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Umweltbundesamt + Bauhaus Dessau, g/k
2011 India Art Summit, gallery Christian Hosp, g
2011 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Westwendischer Kunstverein Wendland, g/k
2010 Untitled 12.10, Drao Art, CCCB, Barcelona g/k
2010 Shanghai Art fair, gallery Christian Hosp Berlin, Shanghai g
2010 Green Bag – Movement, Nachahmung Empfohlen!, Berlin g/k
2010 Preparing the Canvas, Lodz biennale 2010, Lodz g/k
2010 ResteRechte, gallery Hohenthal & Bergen, Berlin
2009 Connect Gallery, Will, Swiss g
2009 Caveman’s Philosophy, Karlsruhe Art fair, Gallery Hohenthal & Bergen, Katlsruhe
2009 See How You Feel, Maddox Arts, London, k
2008 Summer Show, Maddox Art, London g
2007 Bag Academy, mack B projects, Sarasota, Florida
2007 Bag Base, Hohenthal and Bergen, Berlin
2007 Rag-Bag, art goes Heiligendamm, Rostock g
2007 Schwebende Stelen, Werkstat der Kulturen, Berlin (mit Mechthild Rausch) k
2006 Zzsamen, Freudenhaus Laufhaus Hase, Berlin (mit Zohar Kaniel)
2006 Bags of Bags, Moving in, Berlin
2006 Question of Balance, Atelierhaus Karpathos, Greece
2005 Please keep cool, Etatdesprit, Lyon
2005 Paradise Now or Tomorrow, Teatro Marceool, Roma g
2005 Schwebende Stelen, Galerie Mathias Kampl, Berlin (mit Mechthild Rausch) k
2004 Recycling Modern Art, Nathan Bernstein, New York
2004 Israelischer Wald, Bananapark, Landau
2004 Recycling Modern Art, GDK, Berlin
2003 Das Recht des Bildes, Bochum Museum, Bochum g/k/
2003 Toraporte, Sinajoes Roma, Rom g
2002 Holy Night, Noisy Night, Podewil, Berlin (Flori)
2002 Flowers for Flori, Halle LinX, Berlin
2001 Thousand Bags Symphony, Cork, Irland g/(Flori)
2001 XXI Rougie & Ple, Paris g/(Flori)
2000 Bunter Bund, Kunstaktion zum Jubiläum der deutschen Wiedervereinigung am 3. Oktober 2000 zwischen Reichstag und Bellevue, und Abschlussevent im Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Flori)
2000 Flower Tears, Landwork, Artists Museum Lodz, Polan g
2000 Millefleurs, Picture Show Gallery, Berlin g/k
2000 Insulapeninsula, Italienisches Kulturinstitut, Berlin (Flori)
1999 Reifies line, Galerie Siret, Palais Royal, Paris (Flori)
1999 Respekt, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin g/
1999 Weihnachtsbaum, BSR Goes Art, Berlin (Flori)
1999 Lokal – Lo Kal, Centre Cultural Francais, Haifa, Israel (Flori)
1999 La Fiesta del Pueblo, Restaurant Bar-Celona, Berlin (Flori)
1999 Der Apfel Baum, Brandenburgische Kulturtagen, Drewen
1999 Modern Love, Brandenburgische Kulturtagen, Drewen (Flori)
1998 Installation at A Tuckerman, Berlin
1998 Stern der Erlösung, Davka, Berlin-Mitte, a tribute to the philosopher Franz
Rosenzweig author of the Star of Salvation g/k/
1998 At least in the Sky, Festival Oy-Way-Woy, Podewil, Berlin g/(Flori)
1998 A Cave with a View, Gartner’s room, Berlin (Flori)
1997 Art event to remember CrystalNight November 9th, 1938, Berlin (Flori)
1997 Abwuste, Umweltbundesamt, Berlin k/
1997 Die Reiserie, Central Station, Stuttgart, (commissioned by Deutsche Bahn AG) (Flori)
1995 Oikos & Eigenbau, Berlin Mitte g/k/
1995 Sally Can Dance, SMart Art Space, Amsterdam
1994 Sex & Vier, Schwules Museum, Berlin
1993 Rebel, Herzelia Museum, Tel-Aviv k/
1993 Cabinet d’ami, Ruimte Morgen, Antwerpen g/
1992 7, Jüdische Museum, Jüdisches Museum Berlin g/
1992 Rabitrabi, Kunstuck Galerie, Hamburg
1991 Hügel des Frühlings, Pasinger Fabrik, Munich g/k/
1991 Heimat Stunde, Italienisches Kultur Zentrum, Berlin
1988 For Goliath, Galerie Klaus Lea, Munich
1987 Works, Galerie Stahl, Starnbergersee, Munich
1987 Diagolo, Bolognia g/k/
1986 Paintings, Galerie Krochmalkit, Munich
1986 Der Schloss with Ro Reinstadt, Schloss Gauting, Munich
k/= Catalogue
(Flori)=mit Florian Mutschler Reifenberg
Photo credit: Author